Friday, 8 April 2011

Joe, Tom, Lily - Gears of War 2 Game Review

In this review we are going to be critiquing is a game from the popular Gears of War series/franchise, Gears of War was developed by Epic Games and built upon the companies proprietary Unreal Engine, it is also a third-person shooter action game.

In this review we will cover multiple aspects of the game, for example, Story, Game play and Controls, Graphics and Music etc...


The Gears of War story line takes place six months after the ending of the first game, (Light-mass Bombing)
following the bombing the locust horde (The antagonists) survived and renewed their war on humanity (The Protagonists.)

The humans are planning an offensive against the locust by sending 'Grind-Lifts' below the surface to attack the locust strongholds only to be met by a locust defensive attack.

and so begins the players' story, as Delta Squad consisting of Marcus, Dom and Carmine are sent into the fray to search the hollow your given control of Marcus.

Game play and Controls:

The player interacts with the game through a standard Xbox 360 Controller, this is because Microsoft has signed contracts with Epic Games for exclusivity on their platform.

Gears of War has a unique play style to those of the same genre, movements are made very realistic, for example restriction of movement while running and collisions.

Overall the game is fun to play, this is partly because it contains an element of skill which some players look for in online capable games, it also has a much improved mechanical aspect with regards to taking or breaking cover including movement and actions. Lastly it allows the player to experience a sense of escapism and experience events not available in other games/real world.

Graphics and Sound:

Overall the graphics and sound are of a very high quality, they are almost unmatched by other games even those of which released after it, one graphical bug we noticed when getting to grips with the game was the extended amount time it took the system to render textures on characters and objects in the game, however this extended time is a small price to pay for the excellent graphics.

Lastly the sound is very high quality and true to life, very gory and visceral.


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